To book time with me without using my online form, please copy and past the following with all needed information into an email to Always_LaRue@Yahoo.com
First & Last Name
Confirm Email
Resident City & State
Contact Number * ( For texting when you are in Las Vegas)
Is your contact number US based or International?
Twitter Handle if you wish to share
Where Will You Be Staying While in Las Vegas
Preferred Date
Requested Time
How Long Would You Like to Meet for?
Alternate date & time if above is unavailable?
Choose Your Experience
Duo, trio etc
Couples session
Fly Me To You
Travel Companion
P411 Client ID ( if applicable)
Companion References--Please list info of a provider you have met with before if you do not have one put N/A and see next box
Alternative screening info--if you do not have a companion ref please give other info to verity yourself, such as a LinkedIN profile or company website with your name and photo or a upload a copy of your ID you can block out your address
How Did You Find Me?
Is there anything else you would like me to know?
Would you like to be added to my email list?